Is Change A Process?

Can quietness be pursued? We move with thought, with motive to bring about a change. What is change? We’re still doing the same things that man has been doing for millennia.

We have invented new tricks, and in our delusions we have tricked ourselves first. We’re still sorrowful, seeking and anxious. We are always following, never truly questioning.
Our questions are second-hand like our existence.

We lack the passion, the energy to take responsibility for our own lives, yet readily dissipate energy in pursuing things that we have never truly investigated. In the end, we are always dissatisfied.

Then the gurus, the enlightenment officers and the new-age teachers knock your sorrow-filled houses. They ask you to surrender yourself and yet again you give yourself away without questioning.
Do you truly know them to hand yourself over? How full of misery their lives are? They laugh at you, and you say, “Look, how joyful or enlightened they are.”

Have they ever brought about a real change in another? In you? Is it even possible?

You feel bliss momentarily by numbing your mind through practise, through mantras, through effort and relating superficially with experiences.

Is psychological change brought about by effort? We’re waiting for answers from others but never question without a preconceived notion. We start off with a premise that is aligned with our conditioning.

We are not free. We are mere words, mere intellect, mere arguments and discussions, nothing beyond it.

We want to be mollycoddled and believe we are special for leading a mediocre life by externalising the blame always. We’re always waiting to become better, never becoming it. We’re full of tricks and evading ourselves constantly.
We say we deserve better, but cannot answer, why?

Why do we need the first step to be taken for us by another?

Look at it yourself and find out. What is the point of running away from what’s obvious?

Change will occur when we confront the truth.

Stop looking for answers and ask the right questions to the right person. Don’t live on someone else’s thoughts. That is true freedom.

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